Thank you for purchasing Nortech - Industries and Factories HTML Template. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email, via my user page contact form or put a ticket at Support Center .
Thankyou so much!
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<h4>Unique Design</h4>
<p>Adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod est in fermentum fermentum. Aliquam</p>
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<h4>Creative Template</h4>
<p>Adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod est in fermentum fermentum. Aliquam</p>
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<h4>Free Updates</h4>
<p>Adipiscing elit. Praesent euismod est in fermentum fermentum. Aliquam</p>
If you would like to edit a specific section of the site, simply find the appropriate label in the CSS file, and then scroll down until you find the appropriate style that needs to be edited.
For Color Schemes we have created a 7 cool color schemes / files located in root/css/color-themes/color-theme.css. If you want to use a color you only need to add a that files as shown Below.
In addition to the custom scripts, I have implemented few "tried and true" plugins to create the effects. This plugin is packed, so you won't need to manually edit anything in the file. The only necessary thing to know is how to call the method
From Now and Onward If you want to use google maps, Google map API key is necessary. For this reason below is a brief description how to generate google api key and where to use in the template.
Without API KEY map will not appear.
You will need to register all those pages on which you are showing Google Map, with respect to your website / domain.
You will find given code at the bottom of the file on which map is located
You have to change Required / Needed Values in Map Container Of the Page. You can also change icon of the marker in the file named map-script.js inside js folder
Edit The Attribute values of DIV class named MAP CANVAS inside Map Container with your credentials.
As Below
You can change recipient name and email address in sendemail.php
Fonts Used are :
Open Sans
Sans Serif
File Used For Animation Effects :
wow.js (in js Folder)
appear.js (in js Folder)
animate.css (in css Folder)
Sliders Used Are :
Revolution Slider
Owl Carousel
Icons Used are :
Fontawsome Icons
Flaticon Icons
Used flaticons icon pack is attached as a zip with Documentation.
From Flaticon, Icons are custom selected and downloaded as a font. If you want to use more icons you need to select icons of your choice from as font files and replace with the already added files.
(Previous Flaticon icons will be removed when you will use your own selected/downloaded Flaticons font)
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